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'fastiginy'  is a project promoted by artists, professionals and companies with the aim of disseminating the relevance

of the Spanish Golden Age.

Our initiative was born in Valladolid, a historic enclave that acquired special significance during that flourishing and unique period.


From this welcoming city open to the world, and away from 'folklore' and clichés, we vindicate this immense legacy through the  universal language of art.


I am José Ignacio Delgado, artist and promoter, responsible for this  adventure that connects us with a unique time in universal culture and thought.

« Fastiginia » is, originally, a travel book written by the Portuguese Tomé Pinheiro.  It describes the courtly atmosphere of Valladolid at the dawn of the 17th century, when the city was the capital of the Spanish empire and welcomed Cervantes, Góngora,  Quevedo and many other outstanding characters. The birth of the son of Felipe III and Margarita de Austria was used by the almighty Duke of Lerma to organize the most sumptuous celebrations, which Pinheiro collected in his chronicle.  

The rereading of this unusual and revealing work has generated a synergy between artists, professionals and companies, to claim this valuable historical legacy as a possible engine for the future.

Under this suggestive premise we have created the 'new Fastiginia'.

Our activities are developed from three complementary areas:

Artistic :  Our project promotes and sponsors a performing arts group.  

THE FASTIGINIA  works on the literary, theatrical and musical repertoire of the 16th-17th centuries.

His first show "Fastiginia, the new Valladolid Áureo party" was released in December 2021.



Informative : since 2015, the Ars Divina Cultural Association  promotes activities (conferences, workshops, concerts) around the historical events, characters and customs of Valladolid during the Golden Age.

Tourist : The trip designed as a work of art to publicize, from an innovative perspective, the immense legacy of the Golden Age, the depth and beauty of the Spanish language, or the gastronomic excellence of Valladolid and its surroundings.  

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El viajero Tomé Pinheiro

"Así frente a Palacio como en la Plaza se hicieron tabernáculos en las cuatro esquinas, y en el centro trompetas, chirimías y atabales y danzas; salió luego camino de Palacio una máquina de un carro triunfante con un globo del mundo en medio, y una figura de Valladolid triunfando encima de todo... con sus insignias particulares y rótulos, que decían: Fama, Tiempo, Agua, Tierra, Mar, Día y Noche."

¡Sean Bienvenidos!

Soy Tomé Pinheiro, jurista, escritor y viajero.

En 1605 llegué a Valladolid, por entonces capital del imperio más poderoso de su tiempo y una de las ciudades clave en la historia de Europa.

Allí fui testigo de las celebraciones por el nacimiento del hijo de Felipe III y Margarita de Austria, futuro «Rey Planeta». Los prodigios y maravillas que me fueron dados ver inspiraron "Fastiginia", el libro por el que mi nombre ha pasado a la posteridad.

Cervantes, Góngora y Quevedo; poetas cortesanos como el Conde de Salinas y Don Juan de Tassis; excelsos músicos, pintores y escultores...: el Siglo de Oro como una de las cumbres de la cultura universal y el idioma español como transmisor de las formas más elevadas del pensamiento.

Hoy vuelvo a la ciudad áurea para evocar aquel ambiente de esplendor y refinamiento . Música, Poesía, Danza y Teatro, integrados para una reinvención de la fiesta 'barroca'. 

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