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Carlos Belloso Martín

I am Jose Ignacio Delgado . Author, actor and popularizer specializing in the art of the Spanish “First Baroque”. I investigate Literature, Theater, Historical Court Dance, and the History of Gastronomy. I have also followed traditional and historical percussion courses.  

As a director and producer of projects, I always seek a balance between the historical rigor that is due to ancient art, and the consistent use of new technologies.  As an actor specializing in classic texts, I pursue psychological depth over artifice. I am convinced that an exhaustive knowledge of the author, as well as of his historical context, are keys to a correct interpretation of his work.

Producer of the Italian-Spanish Renaissance dance and music company Il Gentil Lauro , with whom I collaborated on stage productions such as “XPOSED”, “La Terrible” or “The postmodern gaze in the Renaissance”.

company founder  Ars Divina , with which I have published the CD “Los viaje del Bufón”, and made the productions “Sonetos del Asylum”, “Narcolepsy” and “El colloquio divino”.

Founder, also, of the project  People of Pleasure , for whom he wrote and performed the play "Tricksters and minstrels in the court of the Planet King."

President of the Ars Divina Cultural Association , whose main purpose is the study and dissemination of the culture of the Golden Age in Spain, with special attention to the events that occurred in Valladolid in the period 1600-1605. Among its most outstanding activities, "Cervantes In-Audito" and "La voz a ti due", both in collaboration with the FMC of the town hall. from Valladolid. I was also a co-founder of the La Cilla Association , which converted an old farmhouse attached to a church into a rural theater.

From my informative facet, I have promoted events such as «Música en la Cilla» or «Meetings of Traditional Musicians». I have also designed and directed, following the model of ancient court festivals and reconstructing historical recipes, the productions "El Banquete del Lauro", "Deconstructing Leonardo", "Barroco Glam, Cheese & Wine" and "Bocados Cervantinos".  

( more information: )


Su actividad laboral siempre ha estado vinculada al ámbito académico universitario. Ha sido profesor en la Universidad Europea Miguel de Cervantes (UEMC) durante dos décadas, donde ha sido Decano de la Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Económicas, y Director del Servicio de Publicaciones. Actualmente es profesor de Historia del Derecho de la Universidad de Valladolid, y es Secretario de la Cátedra “Felipe II” desde hace treinta años, desde 1991, la Cátedra más antigua que existe en la UVA.


Es Asesor Histórico de la Asociación Española de Fiestas y Recreaciones Históricas, y miembro del Comité Científico de la Red de Cooperación de Rutas de Carlos V.


Tiene varios libros y artículos publicados sobre Historia política y militar de la Italia española en la Época Moderna, además de otras publicaciones históricas del reinado de Carlos V. En los últimos años ha participado como asesor histórico en varios proyectos audiovisuales, como la película documental COMUNEROS (2021) y la serie de TV “Carlos V. Los caminos del Emperador”.


Presidente de la Asociación La Corte en Valladolid.

Asesor histórico de la compañía escénica La Fastiginia y colaborador en las representaciones que, con motivo de su 500 aniversario, la agrupación ha realizado en el Palacio Real de Valladolid.


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